Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/23

Year: 2023


Furniture and Wooden Material Research Journal is the first academic journal that started publishing life on the Dergipark by holding furniture subject in the foreground. For this reason, the researchers working in this field and all readers who are involved in furniture and wood materials are planned to serve.

The scope of the Furniture and Wooden Material Research Journal is furniture production, furniture design, furniture top surface processing, quality control in furniture production, furniture import and export, and computer-aided furniture design. In addition, the journal covers wood-based composite materials, wood-plastic composites, processing of wood materials, strengthening of wood materials, protection of wood materials, modification of wood materials, and the physical, chemical, mechanical, and other technical properties of wooden materials. The journal publishes articles in the type of research and review. It does not accept articles prepared in other genres.

Instructions for Authors

  • The article must be prepared according to the word template,  signed the copyright transfer form to be downloaded from the journal page
  • The first page of the author should be from top to bottom, title of the article, author names, essence, essence, keywords, English title, Abstract, Abstract text, and keywords. At the bottom of the page, in the sub-information section, there should be article history, author information, and citation information.
  • This first page should have no introduction section.
  • The introduction section should start at the beginning of page 2.
  • In the first page, the essence and abstract parts may have a word sum of 150-180.
  • It should never overflow to the second page.
  • The second page should start with the introduction. In the last paragraph of the introduction section, the aim of the study should be given clearly (The aim of this study is .........).
  • 1. The introduction section and other article sections should be written in Times New Roman font with a size of 12 pt font size.
  • 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 sub-headings and 2.2 methods should be created separately. In these titles, subtitles from the third grade can be added. the caps must be dark colored and left-handed.
  • 3.Results and Discussion part
  • 4. The results should be part and there should be no number of Thanks and Resources part.
  • The APA 6 style should be used when citing in the article text and creating a list of resources. Example references in the text are according to the number of authors; "In previous work conducted on this subject ... (Yildirim, 2009; Bal and Bektaş 2012; Bal et al., 2013)." or "in previous work done on this subject, it should be given by Yıldırım (2009), Bal and Bektaş (2012) and Bal et al., (2013).
  • Shapes and diagrams are shown in the text and their titles should be based on the left.
  • The important results of the study given in the results section should be given in the form of materials.
  • References
  • The APA 6 style should be used when creating the resources section. Examples;
  • Babiak, M.,  Kudela, J. (1995), A contribution to the definition of the fiber saturation point. Wood Science and Technology, 29 (3), 217-22
  • Bal, B. C.,  Bektaş, I. (2012), The physical properties of heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus grandis. Proligno, 8 (4), 35-43.
  • Bao, F. C., Jiang, Z. H., Jiang, X. M., Lu, X. X., Luo, X. Q., Zhang, S. Y. (2001), Differences in wood properties between juvenile wood and mature wood in 10 species grown in China. Wood Science and Technology, 35 (4), 363-375.
  • Malkoçoğlu, A. (1994), Technological properties of Oriental beech (Fagus Orientalis L.) wood, Karadeniz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, PhD Thesis, Trabzon.
  • Örs, Y., Keskin, H. (2001), Wood material knowledge, Gazi University textbook, S: 77, Ankara.



1. Copyright Transfer principles: All authors must sign the form. It is mandatory to have the signature of the correspondent author on the form. In case the signatures of the other author/authors cannot be reached due to inaccessibility, the correspondence author accepts the responsibility of the related author/authors. The submitted article must not be published elsewhere or under review in any journal for publication. All authors mentioned in the article have seen and approved the submitted article. The journal is not responsible for problems such as the order of names that may occur between authors. The article has been prepared in accordance with the spelling rules specified by the journal. As the author(s) of the article, we accept that we have waived the copyright of the article and transferred this right to the Journal of Furniture and Wood Materials Research, and authorized Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal to publish the article. Article author(s); accepts that all texts, figures, graphics, photographs, and charts given in the article belong to the authors of the article, that any information received from other researchers is made by citing the source within the framework of ethical rules, and that the author(s) of the article is responsible for any issue that constitutes an ethical crime.

2. Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal has agreed to comply with the provisions of the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors. All activities related to the journal are tried to be carried out according to these rules.

3. The journal is published in 2 issues per year. The journal does not publish special issues or additional issues.

4. Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal is a national peer-reviewed and open-access journal. It does not charge an article processing fee, evaluation fee, printing fee, or any other fee for articles.

6. Personal information such as names and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers entered in the management system of Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal will only be used for the scientific purposes of this journal, in accordance with the Privacy Statement.

7. All articles published in Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal are archived and stored in pdf format through TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM, Life Sciences Database.

8. Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal does not accept advertisements.

9. Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal evaluates with a one-sided blind peer review process.

10. The articles sent to Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal are first evaluated by the editor-in-chief. Articles not suitable for the scope of the journal are rejected at this stage.

11. If the articles are suitable for the scope of the journal, if there is no significant deficiency, a referee review is started. The refereeing invitation period is 1 week and the referee evaluation period is 2 weeks. The authors are given a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 4 weeks to make the necessary corrections on the article in line with the opinions of the referees. A minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 7 days is given for the final control phase.

12. If the articles sent to Furniture and Wood Materials Research Journal have passed the preliminary evaluation stage and have been sent to the referees, they cannot withdraw the article.

13. Each article sent to the journal is reviewed by two referees. If both referees give a positive opinion, the article is accepted. If both referees agree on the negative opinion, the article is rejected. If one of the referees gives a positive opinion and the other a negative opinion, the opinion of a third referee is sought. A decision is made about the articles sent to the journal at the end of three months at the latest.

The journal does not charge any fees for any transaction.

Open Access and International Peer-reviewed Journal

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